Friday, February 13, 2015



What is it?
  • Bartonella, commonly known as "catch scratch fever disease," is an infectious bacterial disease that is widespread and infects several animal species including wild rodents, household pets, and people
  • Though dogs can carry the disease, it is significantly prevalent among cats. Bartonella is carried and transmitted through bacterium carried by fleas and ticks, and can then be transmitted from pet to human, usually through biting or scratching.

Diagnosing & Treatment
  • To test, a small blood sample will be taken
  • If positive, antibiotics can be prescribed to treat the disease
  • Many infected cats may show no signs or illness
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases may develop and affect
    • Mouth
    • Eyes
    • Skin
    • Respiratory
    • GI tract
Reducing your Risk
  • Have your pet tested
  • Apply a monthly flea and tick preventative
  • Keep your cat's nails trimmed
  • Avoid rough play that can lead to biting and scratching
  • Wash wounds promptly if bitten or scratched
  • Risk of infection is higher in pets exposed to flea-friendly environments
  • Research shows that nearly 50% of cats living outdoors, in multi-cat households, or from shelters are infected